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A Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Indoor Air Quality and Reducing SBS Symptoms

Enhance indoor air quality and reduce SBS symptoms with Blade Air's Pro Filters. Discover step-by-step solutions for healthier environments.

Jennifer Crowley

Jul 11, 2024

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Maintenance team male inspecting HVAC system atop scaffolding
Addressing SBS through better IAQ is crucial for ensuring the health and well-being of building occupants and maintaining a productive environment.

Improving Indoor Air Quality: The Importance of Addressing Sick Building Syndrome (SBS)

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a significant concern in modern workplaces and living environments. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can lead to various health issues for occupants, including headaches, respiratory problems, fatigue, and cognitive impairments. Addressing SBS through better IAQ is crucial for ensuring the health and well-being of building occupants and maintaining a productive environment.

Assessment Phase: Evaluating Current Conditions and HVAC Systems

 Male technician testing air quality in a building
Measure levels of common indoor pollutants using professional-grade sensors and testing kits.

The first step in tackling SBS is to evaluate the current conditions of the building and its HVAC systems. This involves:

  • Air Quality Testing: Measure levels of common indoor pollutants such as dust, mold spores, VOCs, and carbon dioxide using professional-grade sensors and testing kits.

  • HVAC System Evaluation: Inspect the existing HVAC system for inefficiencies, outdated components, and potential areas for improvement. Check for signs of wear and tear and assess the system’s filtration and ventilation capabilities.

  • Building Inspection: Look for structural issues that could affect air quality, such as leaks, poor insulation, and areas prone to mold growth. This helps identify underlying problems that need to be addressed during the retrofit.

Choosing the Right Solutions:

Blade Air's Pro Filter
Blade Air's Pro filter uses electromagnetic filtration to capture ultrafine particles.

Once the assessment is complete, it's time to choose the right solutions. Blade Air offers a range of advanced products designed to improve IAQ and mitigate SBS symptoms:

  • Pro Filters: These filters capture ultrafine particles, including viruses and bacteria, far exceeding the capabilities of traditional pleated filters. By removing these harmful particulates, Pro Filters help prevent respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma, ensuring cleaner and healthier indoor air.

  • HEPA+ Filters: Ideal for capturing up to 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, and mold spores. These filters are especially beneficial for occupants with allergies or respiratory conditions, reducing symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and eye irritation.

  • UVGI Light Technology: This technology uses ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses in the air, significantly reducing microbial contaminants and improving overall air hygiene. This is particularly effective in preventing infections and maintaining a healthier indoor environment.

  • Carbon Filters: Effective for removing odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), enhancing overall air quality and comfort by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and improving the olfactory environment. Plus, minimize maintenance time and expenses with our patented revolutionary replaceable, zero waste carbon cartridge.

  • HEPA Air Purifiers: These portable units combine HEPA filtration with activated carbon to provide superior air purification in specific areas. They are perfect for targeted air quality improvements, ensuring that high-traffic or problem areas remain clean and safe.

Implementation: Installation and Integration

Blade Air's Pro filter being inserted into a traditional HVAC system
Expert installation ensures proper integration and maintenance procedure training.

The implementation phase involves a step-by-step process of installing and integrating the chosen air quality solutions:

  1. Preparation: Ensure the building is ready for retrofit activities by addressing any minor structural repairs identified during the assessment phase and performing a thorough cleaning of the HVAC system.

  2. Professional Installation:

    1. Pro Filters and HEPA+ Filters: While filter installation is relatively simple, Blade Air recommends having their expert team install the filtration products to ensure proper installation and provide training on installation and maintenance procedures.

    2. UVGI Light Technology: Install UVGI light systems within the HVAC ducts or as standalone units in high-risk areas. This requires precise placement and calibration to ensure effective pathogen neutralization - professional installation is strongly recommended.

    3. Carbon Filters: Integrate carbon filters into the HVAC system or place them in specific areas where odor control is needed.

    4. HEPA Air Purifiers: Place HEPA air purifiers in strategic locations such as high-traffic areas, common rooms, and near HVAC intakes. Ensure they are plugged in and functioning correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

  3. System Connection: Connect the new filters and UVGI light systems to the existing HVAC controls, updating the HVAC control software or adding new control modules if necessary.

  4. Testing and Calibration: Conduct thorough testing to ensure all components are working correctly and calibrate the settings to achieve optimal air quality. This includes adjusting UVGI light intensity and HEPA air purifier settings.

  5. Optimization: Adjust the HVAC system settings to account for the new filters and purification devices, ensuring that airflow and ventilation rates are optimized for the enhanced filtration system.

Maintenance: Ensuring Long-Term Efficiency

Maintenance worker on the roof of a building inspecting and calibrating the HVAC system
Regularly reviews of air quality data identifies trends and issues to inform needed adjustments.

Maintaining the new air quality systems is crucial for long-term efficiency and performance:

  • Regular Inspections: Schedule routine inspections to check the condition of filters, UVGI lights, and other components. Replace parts as needed.

  • Filter Replacement: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for replacing filters to ensure optimal filtration and prevent clogging.

  • System Calibration: Periodically calibrate the smart monitoring systems to ensure accurate air quality readings.

  • Cleaning: Keep the HVAC system and air quality devices clean to prevent dust buildup and maintain system efficiency.

  • Data Review: Regularly review air quality data to identify trends and potential issues, making informed decisions about maintenance and system adjustments.

The Importance of Immediate Action

Addressing SBS promptly is crucial for improving indoor air quality and safeguarding the health of building occupants for a productive, comfortable living or working environment. Blade Air is committed to providing cutting-edge air quality solutions that tackle SBS head-on.

By investing in Blade Air's Pro Filter technology and other advanced solutions like UVGI light technology and HEPA air purifiers, you can enhance indoor air quality, comply with regulatory standards, and promote overall well-being. Taking immediate action not only improves health outcomes but also ensures long-term efficiency and sustainability for your building. Contact Blade Air to learn more on how our technology can cure your sick building.

  • Writer's pictureJennifer Crowley

Charting Tomorrow: 2024 Technology Trends in Commercial Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring

Mans hand accessing Indoor Air Quality monitor sensor in his industrial place of business
2024 is poised to be a pivotal moment in the evolution of IAQ monitoring tech for commercial spaces.

In the dynamic landscape of commercial spaces, 2024 is set to usher in transformative advancements in Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring technologies. As businesses increasingly prioritize the well-being of their occupants, the integration of smart sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) will be instrumental in transitioning IAQ systems from simple air quality monitors to integral components of energy management systems. By enabling precise control and monitoring through smart sensors, IoT helps in reducing the overall carbon footprint of buildings, which is essential for the evolution of smart, sustainable cities and homes.  

Smart Sensors Redefining IAQ Monitoring: 

In 2024, the advent of cutting-edge smart sensors is at the forefront of IAQ monitoring. These intelligent devices go beyond traditional monitoring methods, offering real-time data on various air quality parameters. From tracking pollutants to monitoring humidity levels, smart sensors provide a comprehensive view of indoor environments, empowering businesses to proactively address potential issues. 

IoT Integration for Seamless Connectivity: 

The rise of IoT is seamlessly integrating IAQ monitoring into the broader realm of smart building management. Connected sensors and devices communicate in real-time, enabling a holistic approach to indoor air quality control. This interconnectedness not only facilitates efficient data collection but also allows for automated responses to maintain optimal air quality levels. 

Comprehensive Solutions for Commercial Spaces: 

Commercial indoor spaces, ranging from offices to manufacturing facilities, are increasingly adopting comprehensive IAQ monitoring solutions. These solutions offer a multi-faceted approach, encompassing pollutant detection, ventilation control, and personalized insights into efficiency measurements.  

This year marks a notable shift towards proactive strategies, where businesses leverage advanced technologies to create healthier and more productive environments for their occupants, which, in turn, results in an increase in employee productivity a reduction in sick days and an overarching cost savings associated with their workforce. 

Real-Time Analytics Driving Informed Decision-Making: 

The integration of real-time analytics is a game-changer in IAQ monitoring. Businesses can now access immediate insights into air quality trends and anomalies, enabling them to make informed decisions swiftly. This proactive approach not only addresses potential issues promptly but also enhances overall operational efficiency and cost savings. 

User-Friendly Interfaces for Enhanced Accessibility: 

As IAQ monitoring becomes more sophisticated, user-friendly interfaces are key to ensuring accessibility for all stakeholders. Intuitive dashboards and mobile applications provide users with easy access to IAQ data, allowing them to monitor and manage air quality parameters effortlessly. 

Sustainability and Energy Efficiency: 

In line with broader sustainability trends, IAQ monitoring solutions in 2024 emphasize energy efficiency. Smart sensors and IoT technologies contribute to optimizing HVAC systems, ensuring ventilation and air quality controls can continually be optimized to achieve minimal energy. 

2024 is poised to be a pivotal moment in the evolution of IAQ monitoring technologies for commercial spaces. With the integration of smart sensors, IoT connectivity, and a focus on comprehensive solutions, businesses can proactively create healthier and safer indoor environments.  

As we navigate the future, these technological trends not only enhance the well-being of occupants but also contribute to the broader goals of sustainability and efficiency in commercial spaces, while creating visibility to technological ROI. Stay tuned as we witness the transformative impact of IAQ monitoring technologies in shaping the way we perceive and manage indoor air quality. 


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